Over at the GreyNoise Labs Grimoire, Ron Bowes has a new, deep-dive post out on the creation of a simple clone of the F5 BIG-IP management port to attract traffic and analyze it. Ron deployed the honeypot for a couple of weeks and then analyzed the traffic using tshark

Some interesting findings include:

  • Brute-force attacks on the login page with basic credentials like “user123” and “password123”.
  • Attempts to exploit CVE-2021-22986, an SSRF issue in the authentication parser.
  • Traffic targeting the “/mgmt/tm/util/bash” endpoint, which is typically targeted for auth-bypass issues like CVE-2022-1388.
  • Two instances of exploitation attempts targeting the “/mgmt/shared/iapp/rpm-spec-creator endpoint”, which is related to CVE-2022-41800, an authenticated remote code execution vulnerability.

Ron does note that the majority of the traffic is not related to a rumored 0-day exploit, and that the honeypot helped provide insights into various attack attempts and vulnerabilities.

Pour out your fav caffeinated beverage and sink into Ron's insightful post!

This article is a summary of the full, in-depth version on the GreyNoise Labs blog.
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