Love love love this. As a super lean startup, if you can't publish your roadmap and still beat your competition you are doing something wrong. Go get em @GreyNoiseIO
Our analysts estimate that they are saving 8 hours a week each using your tool, largely in a manual fashion for now. The false positive reduction has proved to be invaluable to us.
Every year, GreyNoise shuts down for two weeks to give every employee mandatory PTO in July. Why do we shut down the company for two weeks in the summer? Because the employees have more than earned it.
If you love a sense of purpose in a business, I'd highly encourage folks to listen to @Andrew___Morris talk about @GreyNoiseIO on the @RecordedFuture podcast...Great team and succinctly defined mission in the security space.
Not too many more tiles, but a few hundred more IPs looking to own all exposed Atlassian Confluence servers. Lots of 👍🏽 detail over on the @GreyNoiseIO blog thanks to the herculean efforts of the GN research team. Gotta love 100% URL encoded requests.
No one has data like them. I don't know what happens behind the scenes but I know the data is good...Other sources like VirusTotal have IP reputation data but it is unusable – it is crowdsourced and messy.
How did I save hours of searching bad IPs today?! and get more details on a specific horrible server? Using @GreyNoiseIO I found my answer in 15 seconds. I love those guys. Thank you @Andrew___Morris and the whole team. Saved the day AGAIN!!
for anyone who's confused about the phrase "the quieter you are, the more you can hear" i give you exhibit a...props to @GreyNoiseIO for snagging these iocs...