As autumn quickly approaches in the Northern Hemisphere, many people see this as a time to turn inward and prepare for the long winter ahead. However, this is also a time when the lush, uniform green flora around us transforms into a kaleidoscope of colors. This change helps give us all a renewed perspective on what is all around us and fuels both an appreciation for what we have and creativity for what is possible.
Today, GreyNoise is excited to officially announce the emergence of GreyNoise Labs. Keen-eyed GreyNoise users may have noticed our soft launch of this throughout 2023.
Now, like the autumn leaves, we're adding even more color to the existing knowledge and insight that GreyNoise already provides, which governments, critical infrastructure, Fortune 100 enterprises, and security researchers rely on daily to help defend us all against cyberattacks.
What can you expect from GreyNoise Labs?
You already know one of our goals: to provide early access to new data, tools, and insights we're developing — things that may eventually become integrated into our core product but need testing, feedback, and real-world use.
All the teams at GreyNoise provide product, company, community, and emerging threat information via our primary communication channel. This is still the place to keep your finger on the pulse of what's happening at GreyNoise and in the internet threat landscape. If our GreyNoise blog's RSS feed still needs to be added to your favorite newsreader, we highly recommend adding it right now!
That is still the place where critical, actionable information associated with emerging threats will first be published. However, we often need to go deeper into a particular vulnerability or exploit. We also have much more to say on security research projects we're undertaking, data science initiatives we're investigating, and cutting-edge detection engineering concepts we're pioneering.

Our new Grimoire blog (Grimoire RSS) is the place for these deeper dives. We'll make sure to link to them if we have more to say about any emerging threats we direct your attention to on the core blog.

The GreyNoise Labs API is part of our internal Blueprints initiative. Our Product, Design, and Engineering teams build, maintain, and enhance resilient and robust systems/applications you rely on daily. Our Labs team is charged with developing new ways to process and present the data we collect, curate, and compute. These ideas are codified into "blueprints," which are — by definition – "something intended as a guide for making something else." These may take the form of a new Labs API or greynoiselabs command line endpoint, alternate ways to view our data, different idioms for interacting with our core services, or just ways to help you see how we think about the data we work with.
We'll also be regularly updating resources we rely on and giving folks a bit more insight into the team behind GreyNoise Labs. Curious about what we do, what we've published, or the APIs we've made available? Drop us a note at